Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About the Gel Blaster Pistols

We all are familiar with the popularity of gel blaster pistols. If you are new to this toy, then you are at the right place as here you will get the answer to all queries related to this pistol. So let’s start: Gel Blaster Pistol Basically, a gel blaster pistol is a type of sport gun fashioned after the design of real firearms. These simulated guns are mostly made out of plastic and nylon material and are powered by batteries that help shoot water-saturated balls, the size of a pellet. Gel blasters have been around for a while but have recently gained a lot of popularity, especially in Australia. Gel blasters are often played in CQB-style shooting skirmishes similar to paintball by squads or local clubs of enthusiasts often referred to as "gellballers", but follows an airsoft-like honour-based gameplay umpiring system. MilSim games involving players wearing garbage bags and camouflage are very famous, while "Speed Gel" players are more casual with team jerseys and ...